Viral Marketing

For those of you who think that viral marketing all boils down to creating unique content and hoping by some stroke of luck that it goes viral…you’re wrong!! I’m going to show you how a powerful viral marketing strategy that doesn’t rely on luck at all.


What I am going to teach you is how to use content that has already proven to go viral and post it to your site. For best results using this method, you are going to want to have established social profiles with a decent amount of REAL followers. Those followers will see the viral content that you are posting and then like and re-share that content. If you don’t have social profiles, you can post your viral content to sites such as Reddit.

There are a couple different viral marketing techniques that I use that work extremely well for me, the first one being viral news stories. What you want to do is find a viral news story on the internet that is closely related to your niche, re-write the article, post it to your site and share the content. A way to find a viral news story is to go to and do a search for your niche. You are going to want to look for a news story with an eye-catching headline and a lot of re-shares. Most sites will show you how many shares that article got across the social networks. Once you find a good article, re-write it in your own words, add some images and post it to your site. After posting the content to your site you want to post it on your social media accounts. The more followers you have across the social networks, the more traffic you are going to get to your site.

Since you are re-writing all of the content yourself, you are not “stealing content.” This isn’t some revolutionary concept, all of the “big boys” in the industry have already been doing this for quite some time and are seeing great results. So why shouldn’t you?

Another method of viral marketing is the viral video. And if you are thinking that you are going to have to make your own video and spend a bunch of money on equipment, then you are wrong again! To be successful with viral video marketing all you have to do is search on YouTube for a viral video in your niche, post it to your site, add an image and description and then post it on social media. This is a great method that is extremely powerful and even easier than writing an entire article! And the owner of the video isn’t going to be mad because you are sharing his/her content giving them more views!

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